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History, Philosophy, & Icons


As part of CULTIVATING MASTERY: Intermediate Astrology Course in conjunction with the Scottish Astrological Association (SAA), we are offering each of the four modules individually.

Astrology is a practice that has been shaped by the profound history of human interaction with the living sky. As astrologers the more aware we are of this history, the philosophies that gave shape to the eyes of the ancestors of our craft, and the icons that left deep marks on this lineage, the further we move into relation to this profound history. This module explores the warp and weft of the astrological tradition steaming from its ancient past of central and western Asia, northern Africa and into Europe, and North America. Cultivating mastery requires an awareness of our lineage for we stand on the shoulders of those that came before us even as we look to the sky with contemporary eyes. 

The module is taught via Zoom with the opportunity for Q&A. Each session will be held from 6:30pm-8:30pm (GMT) on Mondays and Thursday. All lectures will be recorded and made available to students immediately afterwards along with any material shared in the session. 

Please note payments will be taken through a business page for one of the instructors. There are payment plans available for all options. Registration is just below.

History Module: £51 SAA Members, £57 Non-members

​Click here if you are currently an SAA Member, or would like to become one, to Register. 

Click here to Register as a Non-member.

Module Details:
History, Philosophy, and Major Contributions  
Mon, 1 Mar -  Egyptian and Babylonian Astrology - Anna
Thu,  4 Mar - Hellenistic and Persian Astrology - JD
Mon, 8 Mar -  Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Astrology - JD
Thu, 11 Mar -  Modern Astrology - JD and Anna
Mon, 15 Mar - Archetypal Astrology - JD

Your Teachers:
Anna Estaroth is a professional astrology consultant, since 1971, and Fellow of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Anna has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. She honed her astrological skills in her teens, while studying for a degree in psychology, and lectures both in Britain and internationally. Anna wrote the Astrology column for the Saturday Scotsman for ten years and is a director of the Scottish Astrological
Association. She is currently undertaking a PhD in skyscape archaeology.

JD Kelley is a professional astrologer and experienced educator whose astrological leanings are both traditional, mainly Hellenistic, Persian, and early Medieval, and contemporary, mainly Archetypal. He  finds his way through portent and presence. He is a child of wyrd-ness and delightfully dances in the play the living cosmos.  JD is a student of magical and mystical traditions both young and old and an enthusiastic practitioner of astrological magic. You can find him at Cunning as Folk where he teaches and practices his range of esoteric and interpretive arts, or you can follow his dance on all channels @cunningasfolk. He is the current chair for the SAA and a lead organiser for an upcoming international conference focused on astrological magic.