crafts + Services

Talismans + magic & enchantments



Talismans are a collaboration involving the delightful ‘tangle’ that is timing, material, consciousness, intelligence, spirit, and those both called to create and to keep the talismans themselves. Talismans are a “person”, not an “it”, and making them is an art. They have the power to warp the field and shift the way around themselves in relation to their nature.

Astrological talismans give particular attention to timing. They are heavily imprinted by the astrology of the time at creation, much the way that we are each imprinted by the astrology of the time at our birth. For the sake of retaining this impression, astrological talismans most often take the form of metal or stone, materials that are known to stand the test of time.


Bespoke Sigils

Enchantment through symbols is one of humankind's oldest magics.

Sigils bring together the web of intention, timing, consciousness, and spirits.

Sigil magic is a powerful tool that, when combined with divination, allows you to look at what obstructs the path to the life that you want; to find the possible; and push on the probable; to make it reality.


Through the artistic alchemy that is my sigilisation process, these bespoke sigils were crafted based on personalised intention statements.

Sigils are activated during a specifically-timed ritual based on techniques that combine the very best of new and old magics, always focusing on what is effective- always to best benefit my clients.  

Price: £40/$50.