Drop of the Boundless Sea: Venus-Neptune Talisman - Taste of Transcendence—

Drop of the Boundless Sea: Venus-Neptune Talisman - Taste of Transcendence—
The Drop of the Boundless Sea talismans were hand-carved on lapis lazuli teardrops, suffumigated, and finally consecrated during a ritual on the 1st of February 2025 as the applying conjunction of Venus and Neptune was culminating on the Midheaven with the Waxing-Crescent Moon conjoining in Pisces, the traditional sign of Venus’ exaltation and the modern domicile of Neptune, utilising the final conjunctions of these planets in Pisces in this century.
These astrological conditions will not occur again until the later part of the 22nd Century.
At this time Venus was dazzling the world brightly as an evening star while Neptune, invisible to the naked eye, churned the cosmic depths for the final time in the sign of Pisces.
The telos and intention entwined within the talisman is to encounter and to be changed by the power of transcendence of these oceanic lords, coming to awaken supreme expressions of artistic and mystical prowess, and the boundless awards of such fecundity.
Each side of the lapis drop bears the symbol of the respective deities: for Venus, a circle with a single line extending downwards and for Neptune, a circle with three lines radiating downwards. These are enigmatic symbols that are found on magical gems worn by those of the Hellenistic Mediterranean in the 1st century CE. As they are enigmatic, their exact origin is unknown.
All are approximately 20 mm in length and each talisman will be fitted with a sterling silver pendant bail.