Antares Talisman - Protection & Wisdom, Power & Honour - Vermillion Heart of the Scorpion

Antares Talisman - Protection & Wisdom, Power & Honour - Vermillion Heart of the Scorpion
These Antares Talismans were hand carved in sardonyx, marked with the seal of Antares given in the sources of De Quindecim Stellis. The stellar seal and stone were combined with the related plant, birthwort, as per the instructions given in the sources during a ritual the to the heliacal rise of Antares, Moon paran the Vermilion Heart, and Moon connecting by trine the associated planets Mars (Capricorn) and Jupiter (Taurus). This last consideration will not reoccur with Mars' Exaltation and Jupiter in Taurus until 2059.
Antares is known from traditional sources to increase the powers of memory, understanding, and the eloquent use of language; to make the mind noble, hopeful, joyful, and wise; to increase one’s credibility and authority; to afford one advancement, power, and high position; to grant honours and riches; to give one a warm complexion; to repel and control bad demons and remove evil hindrances and obstructions. Equally, it was revealed at the time of empowerment that Antares will strengthen the physical heart and the vitality of the blood.
Gaba Girtab is the Sumerian word for “breast of the scorpion” referring to Antares (α Scorpii). Gaba Girtab was the heart of the Scorpion Goddess Ishara, the Mesopotamian equivalent of which was Ishtar. Ishara’s worship is well documented and she was considered a tutelary spirit tied to sovereignty. Other ancient Mesopotamia names for α Scorpii include: Urbat, Bilu-sha-ziri ("the Lord of the Seed"), Kak-shisa ("the Creator of Prosperity"), Dar Lugal ("The King"), Masu Sar ("the Hero and the King"), and Kakkab Bir ("the Vermilion Star").
Three factors were considered most auspicious for this election: Antares’ heliacal rise, the Moon’s paran to Antares, and the Moon-Mars-Jupiter Trine. I elaborate on these below.
The major factor in this election was timing it to the exact heliacal rise of Antares within the location. This is an ancient way to connect with the power of a star as it reappears prior to sunrise after a period of invisibility, the star’s rebirth. Another factor considered was the rising of the Moon in Virgo being paran to the Antares crossing the IC in the hours before Antares’ heliacal rise. Lastly, the Moon is forming a Trine connecting Mars in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus, as Antares is said by both Ptolemy and Anonymous of 379 to the nature of Mars and Jupiter this is a unique feature of this election. While the heliacal rising of a star like Antares will occur once a year within many locations, this particular configuration aligning Jupiter with Mars in his exaltation (both associated with Antares’ nature) will not happen again until 2059.
The rings are made of pure sterling silver and are adjustable and can be sized from J (UK), 5 1/4 (US), and 49 (EU) to Z (UK), 12 1/2 (US), and 68 (EU). You will be contacted regarding size adjustment.
Each talisman will come with a jute pouch and a small amount of black myrrh and opoponax resins .
All orders are ready to be shipped immediately.
Antares Hymn and Prayer
Adaptation of Hymn for the Stars, (Patrick Dunn’s Translation in The Orphic Hymns, 2023)
I call for the holy light of Antares,
Watcher in the west,
Mighty Heart of the Primorial Sky Scorpion,
Dar Lugal, the Great One, the King,
Kakkab Bir, the Vermilion Star,
Gaba Girtab, the Breast of the Scorpion Goddess Ishara,
and with very holy words,
I invoke you oh sacred daemon of heaven.
Dear child of the black night,
Whirling in circles round about the throne,
Red flame reflecting parent of all that is.
Destiny: you are the signal of fate.
You lay out the divine path for mortals,
Overseeing the seven shining spheres.
You wander in the middle air.
On earth and in heaven, trailing fire, ever flowing.
Indestructible, always discerning
The dark hued tapestry of the night.
Brillant, sparkling, and gentle in the night,
Come now to learned contests of the holy rite,
And accomplish for these glorious works
The finish of an honourable course.
By these offerings and my humility,
Accept these requests:
Increase my powers of memory, understanding,
and the eloquent use of language;
Make my mind noble, hopeful, joyful, and wise;
Increase my credibility and authority;
Afford me advancement, power, and high position;
Grant me honours and riches;
Warm my complexion, granting vitality and health;
Repel and control evil daemons;
And remove all evil hindrances and obstructions from my path.
By the power of the red light of Antares,
Watcher in the West,
Mighty Heart of the Primorial Sky Scorpion,
Dar Lugal, the Great One, the King,
Kakkab Bir, the Vermilion Star,
Gaba Girtab, breast of the scorpion goddess Ishara,
May these requests be accomplished!