Sunshine Stone: Radiant & Joyful, Royal & Vital - Sun Exaltation Talisman

Sunshine Stone: Radiant & Joyful, Royal & Vital - Sun Exaltation Talisman
These talismans were created on 20th March 2024. Consecrated with six varieties of frankincense as the Sun was culminating in Aries at the moment of his exalted ingress. Equally, the ritual reached it zenith during the planetary hour of the Sun, the Moon in Sagittarius having recently applied to the Sun and imminitely to Jupiter, and free of the malefics.
This moment was prior to the eclipse season and wrapped in sunlight, full of hope, vigour, and esteem. On this day and those following as offerings were made to the Sun, rainbows appeared at that very instant, instantiating Helios’ reception.
Strengthening and empowering the Solar presence is directly tied to health and vigour in life. These talismans are instilled with the telos, or intention, to bring forth invigorating vitality; the effortless ability to ascend to the greatest heights; be markedly visible; embrace bold leadership; and attain farsighted vision. A bold and powerfully benefic positivity abounds. Aries, as with Capricorn, is said within the Picatrix to be appropriate whenever you desire to overcome or obtain something, thus increasing the solar impulse towards action and triumph.
Ten were created in carnelian 13 mm by 18 mm ovals, bearing the image of the Solar Kamea on the front and the seal of Nachiel, the Intelligence of the Sun. These talismans have been mounted on sterling silver pendant bails.
Each will come with in a natural jute bag with frankincense tears, rose petals, and gold leaf.
Harken, O king who is the fire of Nous, Titan whose reins are gold, hear me! Housekeeper of fire, who holds the key, the life-supporting source who draws off a rich stream of harmony from the source of the world.
Harken! For you hold the middlemost seat of the aether, and possessing the brilliant disc, the heart of the cosmos, you have filled everything with your providence that awakens our spirits. The planets, binding their waists with your ever-blooming fires, shed life-engendering drops from their ceaseless and untiring dance. All that is born blossoms up from the returning ride of your chariot according to the course of the seasons.[…] For you the unshakable dance of the Fates has yielded. When you wish you unwind the powerful force of destiny. You are mighty, you rule with strength over all that is around you.[…]
Bring me to glory, and may I sing according to the traditions of my forebears, gifted by Muses with their pretty locks of hair. Give me, lord—if you wish!—the bliss that cannot be shaken in return for my fine dedication. You are able easily to accomplish all things, for you have the power and infinite might. And if some ill comes my way from the star-driven threads, from destiny’s spindles that move in spirals, ward it off with the mighty power of your rays!