Enchanted Sky Consult

Enchanted Sky Consult


[B]eing conjoined with the gods, imparts to us the divine life and likewise making us participants of the divine foreknowledge and the divine thoughts, renders us truly divine. -IAMBLICHUS

This consult focuses on your natal (birth) chart—the planetary and stellar placements at birth and their influence in your life—as it relates to your potential for enchanted engagement through magic, the angelic, the divine, and through sky-lore. We will explore the relevant houses and placements to reveal the way that the sky of your birth bestows upon each of us particular capacities, responsibility, and gifts.

There will be time to discuss and develop both practices and potentials of interest, what may be remediated or refined, the use of talismanic and other forms of astral magic, as well as resources shared from my many years of teaching and experience as a practitioner.

This consult will take place over two sessions, the first focused on luminary and planetary influences incorporating techniques related to particular points that will illuminate abilities and gifts. This first session ends with a discussion about potentials for practice and application, focused on the foundations of astral-magical practice, and directions of personal interest.

The second session delves deeply into the stellar dimension as it connects to your nativity and we will further reflect on practice and application that began in the first session. We will end with a focus on remediation and refinement.

Booking details for the first session will come across in your confirmation email and the second we will arrange for one to three weeks afterwards.

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