Midnight Special

Midnight Special


This will include all three as a reduced price: FASTrology Natal Consult, Ancestral Cartomancy Read, and Ancestral Astro Consult. 90 Minutes in duration. This consult and reading will com with copies of any charts and a recording. Booking details will come across in your confirmation email.

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This will include all three: FASTrology Natal Consult, Ancestral Astrology Consult, and the Ancestral Cartomancy Reading at a reduced price. 120 Minutes in duration. This consult and reading will com with copies of any charts and a recording.


Ancestral Astrology Consult


The Astro Consult

Enchanted Sky Consult

Enchanted Sky Consult

Shell Groto Thanet.jpeg

Urania Collection

2022 Year Report.jpeg

2025 Annual Written Astro Forecast
